Wise Hands seeks to be a destination company, where you work as part of a great team, are paid fairly, perform diligently, and find fulfilment in your work. We are mission driven to not only plant native yards and restore habitat, but also to help our employees find a meaningful and rewarding career in the native plants industry for the long term.
Our goals are to provide a workplace where learning every day is the norm, everyone contributes to get the job done safely and efficiently, employees can hone their skills and devleop a specialty if desired. We provide continuing education and horticultural certifications such as FNGLA Florida Certified Horticulturalist and GIBMP (Green Industry Best Management Practices). Our team has attended multiple conferences such as FANN (Florida Association of Native Nurseries) meetings, Outdoor CoLab, Trees Florida, and more!
We not only provide in-house and external training, we also provide a workplace where scheduling is predictable, but flexible to personal and family needs with adequate notice. We actively nurture our company culture and make team spirit a top priority.
Meet some of our employees below and see what they have to say about working on the Wise Hands team.